Environment > Strategic solutions > Regenerative energies > The challenge of decentralized energy supply  

The challenge of decentralized energy supply

The supply of energy from regenerative sources is often considerably more organized and structured in a decentralized form than conventional fossil fuel energy supply. The reasons for this are, amongst others:

  • The lower energy density (kwh / m3 or kg) of some regenerative sources of energy (i.e. wood) in comparison to fossil energy sources (i.e.. mineral oil products and coal). This makes the transport of particular regenerative sources of energy uneconomical beyond a certain distance.
  • Limited local resources (i.e. geothermal energy)
  • the varying regional and timely occurrence of various sources of energy (i.e. sun, wind, geothermal energy, etc.)

A decentralized supply of energy provides the opportunity to place energy supply on a broad technical and economical basis. In addition, a broad level of participation by the general population can be achieved for producing energy.

Alternatively, decentralized structures also involve particular challenges. In the field of network district heating and district cooling supply, this means particularly frequent use of smaller-scale district heating networks (or district cooling, respectively).

Small-scale district heating networks are often characterized by the fact that they require smaller dimensions and can be operated at relatively lower temperatures in advance. This makes the use of cost-effective product alternatives and methods of installation possible. On the other hand, the investment costs for a very small network can be allocated to fewer consumers. This makes it even more necessary to keep investment costs for the construction of a network low.

However, it is mostly not possible to save money on insulation. Nowadays, most sources of energy are more expensive than ever. Accordingly, just a few percentage points are often decisive in relation to loss of energy along a network and in determining whether a district heating network (or district cooling) can be successfully operated in an economical sense.

The flexible pipes programme from isoplus can be a solution here. Use of these pipes combine cost-efficient installation techniques with very minimal loss of heat, thanks to the high quality and superior performance of the PUR rigid foam insulation used by us.

isoplus have had experience with the construction of very large-scale to very small-scale district heating and district cooling networks since 1974. This has made us a reliable partner for your project! Upon interest, we would be pleased to consult you. Simply contact us here.