Environment > Sustainability > Contribution to Sustainability > Sustainability through isoplus products  

Contribution to sustainability through isoplus products

isoplus provide products to increase energy efficiency. Energy efficiency is regarded as one possible strategic solution to global energy problems and can, if intelligently implemented, make a very significant contribution to the transition to alternative energy.

Additionally, our products provide the possibility to combine certain regenerative sources of energy with conventional sources of energy supply. This can all be done conveniently and easily for end users.

isoplus concentrate their activities in the following fields:

  • District heating
  • District cooling
  • Energy efficient and safe oil pipelines
  • Industrial processes
  • Bio-energy and agriculture

Due to the increase in energy efficiency and the integration of regenerative energy sources in the supply network, a valuable contribution to sustainable development can be made in all dimensions:

  • Ecology: Contribution to environmental protection as a result of the reduction in negative external effects on the environment
  • Economy: the integration of regionally-available regenerative energy sources in the energy supply network provides enormous potential for consummation of local economical cycles and subsequently an increase of regional value added.1
  • Social: Energy efficiency and regenerative energy suppliers can help to clearly reduce the household costs. In addition, the consummation of local economical cycles which is made possible by available regenerative energy suppliers contributes to the creation and security of jobs.


[1] vgl. Henss Th. Fernwärme aus Biomasse und kommunale Nachhaltigkeit (District Heating from Biomass and Communal Sustainability) Ibidem Stuttgart 2008 S. 94-103