Services > Project phases  

Who is doing what?

1 ... Purchaser resp. project-owner / 2 ...  Engineering company resp. designing
3 ... Construction works / 4 ... Pipe-laying / 5 ... isoplus

#Project phases12345
1Construction design, start of design procedure•
2Customer, respectively user acquisition•
3Calculation of required energy for users•
4Hydraulic network-calculation resp. dimensioning•
5First design•
6Getting approvals from local authorities•
7Measurement of designed trenches in lengths and heights•
8Measurement of existing distributing lines•
9Work out of trench design in lengths and heights•
10Work out of material-list for the project•
11Preparing of tender documents•
12Dispatch of performance-description•
13Price calculation of offer and placing of offer in time•••
14Work out of project- time schedule••
15Placing of order•
16Visit of building site before start of works•••••
17Eventually second common measurement of trench after agreement••
18Work out of pipe-static calculation of buried pipes•
19Demonstration of pipe-static by presenting design for expansion pads•
20Material specification of isoplus-pipes, fittings and accessories•
21Equipment for building site••
22Marking of foreign pipelines along the new trench•••
23Excavation of the pipeline-trench in consideration of standards and UVV•
24Wall penetrations at the houses of the users•
25Delivery of isoplus material•
26Unloading and weather proof storage of isoplus material•
27Draining of pipe trench and keeping it free until refilling•
28Building site instruction by isoplus representative, after request•
29Preparation of trench-bottom, placing of PU-bars, wooden bars or sand sacks•
30Laying of isoplus pipes according to trench design in lengths and heights•
31Information to isoplus in case of any modifications and wait for static acceptance•••
32Visit of building site, discussion in order to find a solution in case of modification•••
33Placing and connection of medium pipes and fittings according to standard•
34If necessary concrete fix-points and wait for setting•
35Controlling of medium pipe connections according to tender and standard•
36Post insulation works at the jacket pipes connections•
37Fixing of required expansion pads in accordance to design•
38Eventual thermal pre-stressing (provide sand bridge)••
39Insert wall sealing into wall penetration and concrete••
40Acceptance of trench and approval for refilling by head of construction company••
41Sand filling up to 100 mm above pipe-top and compressing by hand•
42Filling and compressing of trench from top of sand bed•
43Heat shrinking of end caps at house-connections•
44Installation of alarm wire-components•
45Removing of remaining material and leaving of building site•••
46Start of operation of pipe trench, handing over of documentation•••••
47Acceptance of authorities••