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[Translate to Deutschlang(Englisch):] Kategoriebild Fernwärme

District heating

District heating has become extremely important and is now integral to our understanding of rational and sustainable energy. District heating pipelines from isoplus provide residential buildings, public facilities and industrial organisations with clean, energy-efficient, low-emission heat.

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[Translate to Deutschlang(Englisch):] Kategoriebild Fernkühlung

District Cooling

District cooling is gaining importance around the world and signals a new form of efficiency in the energy industry. Thanks to trigeneration technology, surplus and waste heat from power companies and industry is used for cooling purposes.

[Translate to Deutschlang(Englisch):] Kategoriebild Industrie


isoplus offers first-class pipeline technology for efficient and safe operation of numerous industrial processes including transporting wastewater, laboratory waste, oil and gas; air-conditioning and ventilation systems; and cooling and biogas production.

[Translate to Deutschlang(Englisch):] Kategoriebild Biogasanlage

Bioenergy & Agriculture

Because bioenergy is becoming increasingly important, companies are striving more and more to independently turn their primary energy sources into final energy sources such as heat or electricity. isoplus pipelines are a clear choice for such projects.

[Translate to Deutschlang(Englisch):] Kategoriebild Netzüberwachung

Network Monitoring

Pipeline monitoring and leak detection technology is an essential product available from isoplus. Our modern pipeline monitoring systems helps prevent large-scale damage and energy loss.